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March 19, 2003
Subject: Lawsuit victory

I first want to thank you for providing an enjoyable distraction from my law school studies.

I came across your site when searching the internet for motions to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction related to websites. I am currently in my first year of law school and currently taking a class in civil procedure. In reading the "opening acts" of your case I immediately noticed the Michigan filing and it was refreshing to see your explanation of why you did not originally contest it. (Jurisdiction is in fact a central fact to a fictitious case I'm supposed to be writing a motion for right now.)

It's amazing that even knowing the public perception that lawyer's are snakes, when we make an assertion that "jurisdiction exists because blah, blah," the lay public tends to believe us.

I am glad you came away from the conflict relatively unscathed, especially given your insistence on entering it naked (pro se).

I congratulate you on your fortitude and especially your continued support of the mall.

Congratulations and thanks for refreshing my view on my chosen profession.

    -- James Shepard

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