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May 3, 2002
Subject: congrats

I found your website a couple months ago and have sporadically kept up with the goings on. I applaud you on your diligent fight with Ms. Greenberg and her evil hoard.

I am not sure if you saw it or not, however the Dallas Morning News did an article on The Shops at Willow Bend (can I be sued by using that in my email? ;) ) a couple weeks ago about how poorly the mall is performing. If you didn't see it I will try to dig it up and send you a copy (not sure if I still have it).

Keep up the good fight, wish I could offer some free legal advice for you, unfortunately I am not a lawyer. However, every lawyer can subscribe to this advice: "Stick it to them and make them bleed." Taubman is having to spend millions on this, and it serves them right for their stupidity.

    -- Dan Paxton

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